XCOPY SUCKS çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ WHY VOTE ON X-COPY? ² ------------------------- ³ Written by COLA of BALANCE ¼Well, as I went trough the most of the "best Utility charts" I got quite dissepointed. Because In almost every one of them there was voted X-COPY at the first place !.And that program do NOt deserve to be that high ranged !! ¹ I can't realy understand why this voters want a good utility to be like X-COPY ! It makes no sence ! X-Copy is an utility that are useless !! ..Did I hear you say NO ?? Ok, x-copy can be used as a copy/formating utility, but ther is a lot of utilities that can do that, and much more !. Like DOPUS, Superduper etc.. And this utilities are much better, and much more usefull. They multitask, and they can do a lot more than X-COPY !.,. Dopus can be used to almost everything you want!..Like showing pictures, play modules, read/write text files, pack up/down files, copy disks/files, format disks, delete files and a lot more !... And it multitasks !... Well, X-COPY sux !!. It don't multitask, and it don't copy any better than other "copy" utilities!.. And can not be used to any other things than copying/formating disks !.. So why do people vote on X-COPY ?? Is it an infection, or is it just an disease ?